Boys Halfway House: Rowan Hunter: The Future Depends On Today

Needless to say, it’s the lazy residents of the Boys Halfway House that cause the most problems for cash flow. You see, all of these dipshits need to pay for their own room and board. If they don’t work, then it’s major problems. So, understandably, the House Managers highly encourage that new residents get a job – and fast. This one, however, submitted a few resumes and then thought that he could just sit around playing video games hoping some prospective employer would give him a call. That kind of attitude doesn’t sit too well with the management at the House. Basically, these young delinquents best be hoofin’ it door to door until someone hires them. So they made sure this punk got the lesson – the hard way. Before he could finish apologizing for being lazy, he already had a cock in front of his face. It didn’t take long before his throat was being pounded, either.

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Boys Halfway House: Kobe Ashton

There are those who don’t care about the consequences of their actions, and there are those who never think about the consequences to begin with. This fucktard obviously is in the latter group of idiots, because he almost seemed surprised, and scared shitless, that he was getting in trouble for dipping out unannounced from the Boys Halfway House. You see, the reason the Managers like to keep the guys close, in the House, is that wandering about town never leads to anything good, like a job. It always leads to more and more problems. Well, this guy had gotten in trouble before, and when one cock isn’t enough punishment, two is better. So the House Managers decided they would spit-roast this fucker and while his mouth was full with one big cock, he got fucked with another big thick cock until his toosh was so sore!

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Boys Halfway House: Patrick Raposa

This 18yo resident of the Boys Halfway House got in trouble for contraband. The House Manager thought that he might actually start crying when he yelled at him about the illegal bottle of stuff in front of his buddies. But it wasn’t long before he got the drift, and quickly learned how to mitigate the punishment, as once they were alone in his room together, he not only sucked dick like a champ, but he sucked it like he was cock-hungry. He didn’t just show off his hole either, he spread his cheeks as if begging to be entered. And when he was being fucked doggie-style with his faced shoved deep into the mattress, he seemed not only to have discovered his true station, but he also seemed to have accepted it.

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Boys Halfway House: Kip: Bareback Recovery Session

The latest resident at the Boys Halfway House, Kip (aka Bobby), is a handsome guy in his early 20’s. He has played a ton of soccer in his life, so he is fit and limber. He also has a great attitude, and he gets along well with everyone. Unfortunately, Kip has a serious problem with drink, and it has caused a lot of trouble for him recently. He has a persistent issue, in particular, with sneaking in bottles and trying to hide them – in order to take a sip when no one is looking. After an initial reprimand that obviously didn’t work, the House Warden wanted to make sure that he got the message. As Kip was washing some dishes, he confronted him with his contraband. After some rather degrading treatment involving his booze and his throat, the Warden whipped out his own hard dick so that Kip would learn a quick lesson and would really understood what would be happening if he keeps it up. He had him jerk him off and blow it for a while. Even for a straight dude, Kip really was quite reluctant to wrap those lips around the fat shaft. No bother, he did it fairly well in the end, and the Warden was more interested in that sexy butt of his anyways. Placing him up on a stool, Kip was made grease up the cock and try to stick it in to his rear entrance by himself. This young man is a small guy anyways, but getting that fat cock into his tight butt-hole was like shoving a grapefruit through a sink drain. But once it was in, the Warden really enjoyed the feeling of his boy-pussy getting used to being fucked by this raw dick.

| Want to see more of Kip? Click here |