Boys Halfway House: Jeremiah Cruze

At the Boys Halfway House, when it comes to disagreements between a House Manager and a resident, the Manager always wins. Since the Manager’s make up the rules, it definitely puts them at a great advantage when dealing with all the miscreants and slobs. The newbies, having only experienced coddling and authority figures who believe their sob stories, always think that they can get one over. After their first surprise inspection, they are completely disabused of this notion. This new resident, Jeremiah Cruze, found out the hard way that he can’t pull one over on the Manager in charge. As a matter of fact, his contraband led to a serious dicking down.

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Boys Halfway House: Sasha

House Manager jobs don’t pay a lot, but there’s just something priceless about being able to have your cock drained by teens and twenty-somethings any time you want. It’s the best job perk ever, really. Even better, you get to help out a lost soul along the way. Because of the unscrupulous ways of managing things at the Boys Halfway House, you can imagine some of the residents talk to each other, often in an unflattering way, about how the place is run. Well, snitches abound, and each time someone tries to talk shit, he gets his come-uppance quickly. One resident, Sasha, had been saying that the ways at the House just aren’t right. Well, if he doesn’t like the way he’s treated, maybe he should have thought about it before he took the slow road to the pit they dragged him out of. He’s clean now, and he has three squares per day. He goes to meetings and has the opportunity to have a job. So what if his mouth gets used more than a pro? At any rate, his attitude only helps the Manager bust more when he releases his load. This day was one manager’s lucky day.

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Boys Halfway House: Sasha: Deep Inside

The Boys Halfway House got a bit hectic recently, a heap of new residents moved in and these new dipshits think that the House managers don’t know where each of them are, at all times. If they dip out of something, they know. If they miss a meeting, they know. Well, they’ll soon find out fast the penalties for missing out. Take this one for example: Not only did Sasha miss his weekly meeting, but he told a manager to mind his own fucking business when he was asked why. Now, that kind of attitude needs to be dealt with promptly, and the manager’s cock was in that potty mouth within a matter of minutes afterward! They don’t tolerate verbal disrespect of a House Manager, and this guy needed to learn a very hard lesson … very fast!

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Boys Halfway House: Patrick Raposa

This 18yo resident of the Boys Halfway House got in trouble for contraband. The House Manager thought that he might actually start crying when he yelled at him about the illegal bottle of stuff in front of his buddies. But it wasn’t long before he got the drift, and quickly learned how to mitigate the punishment, as once they were alone in his room together, he not only sucked dick like a champ, but he sucked it like he was cock-hungry. He didn’t just show off his hole either, he spread his cheeks as if begging to be entered. And when he was being fucked doggie-style with his faced shoved deep into the mattress, he seemed not only to have discovered his true station, but he also seemed to have accepted it.

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